
January 29, 2010 at 3:31 am (Uncategorized)

In this day and age, political correctness and gender equality is all the rage…and I’m one of those who strive to be just that. Politically Correct (PC for short) and being equal to all genders (well, at least I try to be)

So usually my posts are for everyone, be it male or female…unfortunately, for this post…it’s only for males (sorry ladies)

In the office, I’m sure everyone has heard the phrase that inter office romance or affairs and especially scandals spells trouble for the parties involved. But how about office fantasies?…does it hurt anyone? Ever looked at a colleague and think…”Would I?”…or “How would she look without…?” I’m sure you have…if you shaking your head profusely. I say YOUR LYING!!!!

I’m sure every warm blooded guy has done that…I sure have…and to test this theory I enlisted help…and guess what? Out of all the help I enlisted…100% proved my theory right…so still say you haven’t thought about your colleague?

To take this to the next level…I did a little survey…I asked who my help (people I asked) would love to have ‘relations’ with?

And here’s the TOP 10 in no particular order (so no one would get jealous) and I’ve shortened them into initials…

1. N. F (MILF)

2. B.L

3. P.L.K.

4. C. W.

5. I.I.

6. N.K.

7. J.M.

8. G.M.Y.

9. N

10. T.W.

There you have it…have fun trying to decipher who those lovely ladies are…and if you’re in an office that does not have women like that…I have only thing to say to you…YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU’RE MISSING…

But in all seriousness, in my opinion office fantasies are a good way of getting by those days when you just feel like breaking someone’s head off…and technically it’s not illegal…cos I think the only thing a person truly own are his or her thoughts…I mean the worst thing you could ever lose is not your RM 10k Louis Vuitton bag…it’s your mind…

So in conclusion…don’t have office romance…have office fantasies…it’s fun…not to mention safe…and for those who do not know what a MILF is…here’s a clip to explain where it came from…

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